Friday, March 15, 2013

Mary's Anointing of Jesus' Feet

My Brothers and Sisters,
I share with you an image.

It is an icon from our gospel story for this Sunday, of Mary of Bethany anointing Jesus’ feet six days before the Passover, during a feast hosted by Lazarus and his family (think Lazarus, Mary, and Martha).  If you would like to read the story, you will find it in the gospel of John, chapter twelve.

What do you notice in the icon? …. Take your time……  To what are you drawn?.....  Is there something you notice resonating with your own heart and life?....... Are there any prayers that emerge as you notice and gaze?

 Onction à Béthanie

Gazing upon icons is a powerful spiritual tool and practice.  It invites us into an intimate encounter with ourselves and with God.  It nurtures a depth of communion that can transform us.

As we begin to move closer to Holy Week, I will be sending you icons to journey with us along the way.  And if you would like, I would love to hear from you of how or where these icons, and so the Holy Spirit, has touched your heart.  It is deeply good that we can journey this road together.

My Brothers and Sisters, I see the light of Christ in you every time we meet!

With much love and many prayers,

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